
Ahoy! Sing for the Mary Rose (MP3)

Ahoy!  (SATB Part-learning MP3s)

Ahoy! (SATB Part-learning MP3s)

FREEDOM! The Power of Song (MP3)

FREEDOM! The Power of Song (MP3)


New things to say: songs of L'Estrange & Legrand (MP3)

The mountains shall bring peace SOPRANO part-learning track

The mountains shall bring peace SOPRANO part-learning track

The mountains shall bring peace ALTO part-learning track

The mountains shall bring peace ALTO part-learning track

The mountains shall bring peace TENOR part-learning track

The mountains shall bring peace TENOR part-learning track

The mountains shall bring peace BASS part-learning track

The mountains shall bring peace BASS part-learning track


Song Cycle: vive la vélorution! (MP3)


Wassail! Carols of Comfort and Joy (MP3)


ZIMBE! Come, sing the songs of Africa! (MP3)
